Relay n Ride for Life will be a one time car show for all years, makes and models on display in competition for various categories supporting the American Cancer Society at their annual Relay for Life held at the Westfield Valencia Town Center in Valencia, CA
Relay n Ride for Life will be a one time car show for all years, makes and models on display in competition for various categories supporting the American Cancer Society at their annual Relay for Life held at the Westfield Valencia Town Center in Valencia, CA.
By entering your car in Relay n Ride for Life you agree to not hold CN Events, Westfield Valencia Town Center, Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society or any associated vendors, sponsors and other participants responsible for any damages or theft to your vehicle or persons on the day of October 2nd, 2021.
As of August 2021, the Covid Pandemic is still happening and that attendance to this show you may or may not be exposed to Covid or its variants. By paying to enter the show you agree to not hold CN Events, Westfield Valencia Town Center, Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society or any associated vendors, sponsors and other participants responsible for any diagnosis.
We ask that you wear masks and social distance out of respect for our target beneficiaries for this show. We ask this regardless of vaccination status and thank you for your consideration. However if you are unvaccinated, we ask that you make a donation via our Donate Page and support us virtually.